wood pellets


Total moisture: < 10%
Ash, dry basis:  <3%
Gross Caloric Value: >4000 kcal/kg
Diameter: 6-8,5 mm
Length: 3.15-40 mm
Bulk Density: 650 kg/m3
(SGS Vietnam testing)
Cl: < 0.05%
S:  <0.05%
Na + K: <2000mg/kg
Nitrogen:  0.3%
Foregn Material: <0.05%
(SGS Vietnam testing)

Industrial wood pellets are a type of fuel made from compressed sawdust and other wood waste materials. These pellets are highly compressed, uniform in size and shape, and have a low moisture content, which makes them highly efficient and easy to transport and store.

Industrial wood pellets are often used as a replacement for coal in power plants and other industrial settings, as they are considered to be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option. They produce significantly less greenhouse gas emissions compared to coal, and are made from renewable wood resources that would otherwise go to waste.

The high energy density of industrial wood pellets means that they can provide more heat and energy per unit of weight or volume than raw wood or other biomass fuels. This makes them an excellent option for use in boilers, furnaces, and other combustion systems.

Industrial wood pellets are available in a range of grades, including premium and standard grades. Premium pellets are typically made from pure sawdust with no additives and have a higher energy content, while standard pellets may include other wood residues and have a slightly lower energy content.

Overall, industrial wood pellets are a reliable and sustainable source of energy that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the transition towards a more sustainable energy system.


Total moisture: < 10%
Ash, dry basis:  <0.7%
Gross Caloric Value: >4500 kcal/kg
Diameter: 6-8,5 mm
Length: 3.15-40 mm
Bulk Density: 670 kg/m3
(SGS Vietnam testing)
Cl: < 0.02%
S:  <0.05%
Na + K: <2000mg/kg
Nitrogen:  <0.5%
Foregn Material: <0.05%
(SGS Vietnam testing)

Residential wood pellets are a type of biomass fuel that are specifically designed for use in home heating systems, such as pellet stoves, boilers, and furnaces. These pellets are made from compressed sawdust, wood shavings, and other wood residues, and are highly efficient, clean-burning, and easy to handle.

Residential wood pellets are produced to strict quality standards, with consistent size, shape, and moisture content. This ensures that they burn cleanly and efficiently, producing minimal ash and emissions. They are also easy to store and transport, as they come in compact bags that can be stored in a garage, shed, or other storage area.

One of the main benefits of using residential wood pellets for home heating is their low cost compared to traditional heating fuels like oil and propane. Wood pellets are a renewable resource that is often locally sourced, which helps to support local economies and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Residential wood pellets are available in a variety of grades and packaging sizes, depending on the needs of the homeowner. Premium pellets are typically made from pure sawdust with no additives, while standard pellets may include other wood residues and have a slightly lower energy content.

Overall, residential wood pellets offer a convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly way to heat a home. They are a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, and can help to reduce carbon emissions and lower heating costs for homeowners.